
Agriculture & Analytics

By: Kamakshi Gopalan - Oct 29, 2019


More than 60% of the population resides in the rural areas and most of them rely on farming for their bread and butter. This was the case of the past. Farmers have now started quitting agriculture for many reasons like unruly & unreliable climatic conditions, water scarcity, improper pricing offered for the produce etc. and looking out for better paying jobs for sustenance.  

Two such techniques which have contributed to address the few of many pain points are Smart farming and Precision Agriculture.

What is Smart farming?

This technique uses IoT, cloud computing to collect and store big data sets effectively. Now that the data has been collected, data analytics can be applied on it to make farmers informed, on the consequences of their action which puts the ‘smart’ before ‘farming’. IoT collects real-time data which paves way to a precious gift of real-time decision making. An ideal Smart farming should give you insights on the various aspects associated with crops, climate and soil.

What is Precision Agriculture?

Precision agriculture is zeroing down to the right patches in the available land to suit a particular crop based on the availability of water, nutrients etc. The vision of this process is to maximize ROI and preserve the resources with the available field data. With GPS, IoT, past data of the field etc., we can predict our returns on the farming. Predictive modelling plays a vital role in armouring farmers to ensure that they are benefitted for all their sweat.

Technologies have paved way to a newer method of cultivation. When we don’t see any harm surrounding its usage, why don’t we embrace it and bring back the culture of cultivation as the main stream job of India? Of course we all need food, so why don’t we treat farmers better, equip them with right technology and pay them for their hard work? This is all we need to set the backbone straight.


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